Would MP2722 work for LiFePO4 battery?

The data sheet mentions “single- cell Li-ion or Li-polymer battery” but doesn’t specifically call out LiFePO4.

Thanks in advance!

Hi elan,

Of course it works for LiFePO4 battery.


That really isn’t obvious from the datasheet. LiFePO4 batteries enter CV around 3.6V, it looks like this chip does that at 4.2V. Is there some setting or pin strapping to alter teh CV voltage down to 3.6V

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Can you comment on the point @jshannon brings up? I have the same question, and looking through the data sheet again failed to show any way to configure the CV voltage to what would be needed.

Get a demo board, and see. This response is inadequate, does MPS know the charging requirements of the LiFe perhaps you could ask a more pointed question, like “How do you set the CV voltage to 3.65V”

I apologize for not following, how would getting a demo board help? I have custom hardware here b/c I’m using it to charge LiPo cells, but I’m trying to get confirmation it can be used for LiFePO4 before just plugging them in and trying :sweat_smile:

Actually, I think I may have answered my own question, I missed something in the data sheet. In the table it lists two VBATT values:

However, you can set REG05h to change VBATT from between 3.6V to 4.6V, so this should work fine as far as I can tell.

Apologies for the confusion.

No need to apologize, it would seem to me that MPS aps could have responded to your query with an answer like, “to set the float voltage to 3.65V write to Reg05H” Rather than saying it will work no problem! Glad you have it sorted.

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