We are observing voltage dip at input of MPQ4573 at the start of the power supply

Dear Sir/Madam.
we are observing voltage dip at input of MPQ4573 at the start of the power supply. I have provided 220uF bulk capacitor along with 2 qty of 10uF ceramic capacitor. Could you please guide us how to avoid the voltage dip at the input of MPQ4573

Make sure the power supply you have connected to it, has good transient response and a low impedance connection. What is the resistance of the connection between your power supply and the 4573?


Thanks for reaching out to the MPS Forum. I agree with user JShannon on making sure your power supply has good transient response and low impedance path.

What are your current and voltage requirements?
Could you share the complete test setup? What are the limits being set to?