Actually, we designed the PMIC with the part number M88P5000, but due to its unavailability, we ordered MP5475GU-0000-Zinstead. However, there is a pinout mismatch between these two parts. On the M88P5000, pin 27 is RFU and is grounded as per the datasheet, whereas on the MP5475, pin 27 is EN, which is a critical signal. Is it possible to drive EN high using MTP configuration with I2C? Please help us with this
Hi samudra.jampani,
Thank you for posting to the MPS Forums. The MP5475 is enabled by applying a logic signal to the EN pin, then setting SYSEN = 1 in the I2C register. Both are required to enable the MP5475.
Yes, sir, you are correct. We have now removed the ground pull and pulled the enable high. This allowed us to bring up Switcher C and D. However, Switcher A and B are still not up, showing only 0.2V. Increasing the voltage via I2C is also not possible. The bootstrap capacitor voltage is 3.6V, and the bias voltage is 3.5V, which is used to drive the enable. However, on the working board, the bootstrap capacitor voltage is 4.6V. Can you please help me on this.
Could you share your schematic? Also, what voltages are you expecting on each output?