Questions regarding to MPQ7920

Q1: Do I have to chance to update data to registers via I2C before power-on sequence? For example, connect all VIN pins and AVIN pin with 5v power, but keep PWRON low. Is this a state that I2C works, but the system has not yet generate power output on those output PINs?
Q2: The data sheet mentions that OUTRTC LDO is always on as long as both VIN2 and AVIN are connected with power. Is this true when PWRON is low?
Q3: What is the max voltage for I2C PINs?

I am considering a use case: use a small MCU to manage MPQ7920. MCU is powered by MPQ7920’s OUTRTC (put PWRON low, supply 5v power to all VIN/AVIN PINs.). Once MCU is booted, it connects to MPQ7920 via I2C interface, and modify registers to adjust Buck/LDO’s output voltages and power-on sequences. and then MCU will set MPQ7920’s PWRON pin to high to power-on other Bucks/LDOs. This will give host SoC required power. MCU will then change itself from I2C master to I2C slave. And then both MCU and MPQ7920 will be managed by host SoC.

Any feedback on this questions?

Hi @wabc,

Extremely sorry for the delayed response.

  1. Please see below the I2C timing diagram. You can configure the part after the power-on sequence is complete.
  2. Yes, If VIN2 and AVIN is present, irrespective of other pin status RTC LDO will be ON.
  3. 6.25V

For your use case, are the voltage on the bucks will be same whenever you turn it ON? or the MCU commands will be dynamic? If you have constant outputs you can MTP the device with your desired configuration and will not need to have an MCU connected. Please refer to the MTP section (pg 20) and MTP default register map(pg 41).
What is the application?

Thank you