Questions about MP2372

Hello, I was looking for alternatives to the now NRND MP2307, and found the MP2372. I have some questions after reading the datasheet:

  • What is this “OPEN = AUTOMATIC STARTUP” that is marked on the EN pin on the sample application circuit?
  • In the PCB Layout Guide, there is a resistor R4 that is connected between the EN pin and the IN pin. What does it do?
  • Does the 4.7uH inductor still be usable if I were to follow Figure 5 and change the resistors so that I could get 12V output and/or higher? Or should I change it? I’ll be having a VIN of 24V, and am looking for output voltages of 3.3V, 5V, and 12V

Hi Joshua,
Thank you for utilizing MPS Techincal Forum,

Can you please let me know what your application and Vin/Vout/Iout , I can help identify a optimal device

Answers to your question:

  1. EN pin basically tells the device to start switching and provide an output. You can refer to block diagram on pg.6 , if you leave this pin floating, then EN will be supplied via internal regulator and device will turn on from Vin.
  2. R4, is a current limiting resistor. Current fed to EN pin should be in the order of couple uA. Typically a 100k is used.
  3. I suggest to utilize 6.8uH for 3.3/5V , for 12V, it is recommended to utilize higher inductance.


I want to build fixed output power supply circuits using this buck converter, with VIN = 24V and IOUT = 3A
My outputs would be:

  • Circuit 1: VOUT = 3.3V (maybe I could use the Figure 6 sample circuit from the datasheet for this)
  • Circuit 2: VOUT = 5V
  • Circuit 3: VOUT = 9V
  • Circuit 4: VOUT = 12V

I’m currently calculating for the L1 and R1 for these, maybe you could help with the recommended MPN? Especially for L1

Hi Joshua,
Apologies on delayed response,

For the requirements you have listed, I recommend utilizing MP2338.

Refer to pg18 for output selection configuration, the inductor and feedback network is listed.

Kind Regards,

Hello Nouman,

I’m currently exploring your MPS DC-DC Designer Online tool, is it alright to follow what the tool has generated for a MP2372 buck converter circuit using my required input and output values?

Hi Joshua,
You may use those values, yes.


Dear Sir
We use Buck MP2372 to do 22V to 12V. Sometimes it cannot output 12V normally.
The normal and abnormal signals found in the measurement are as follows:

May I ask where the problem is that causes this phenomenon and how to solve it?


Dear Sir,
We have measured the EN PIN and it has a strange waveform as follows;

Why is there a stepped waveform? how to solve it.

Dear Sir,
Regarding the stepped input of EN PIN, it is mainly caused by the soft start setting of the previous level Buck IC;
But we still don’t know the relationship between EN and protection. When testing DC-Level below 1.2V, the output is turned off; when DC-Level 2.6 or above, the output shows protection such as Abnormal waveform, but the external voltage dividing resistor does not; whether this process Missed something?