Propegation delay of MP6530

Hello everyone,

I have to chose a bldc halfbridge predriver for my application.
I have been looking at the MP6530 chip, but I don’t see any information about the propegation delay’s. The propegation delay from pwm in to signal out really matters for me as I will run my control systems loop at 60 kHz, so the less system dead time, the better. Looking at what Texis Instruments sells (DRV8301/2), the propegation delays are probably within 200 [ns], but I have to know the real value for this chip. While I’m added, is this delay the same for simular chips like MP6532 and MP6534? Thanks in advance.


Hello, welcome to the MPS Forums!

You are correct that the propagation delays are not explicitly shown for the MP6530, MP6532, and the MP6534.

However, they all have the same dead time ranges as shown:

Here, 30ns is the lowest programmable dead time for the MP65xx series as opposed to the lowest deadtime by TI being 50ns.