NVM Reading MPM3695-100

I need to read the NVM of device MPM3695-100, the device is not soldered into a PCB, I will use a socket for reading using the tool EVKT-USBI2C-02.

My question is, in addition to PMBus signals, what other pins interconection should I consider?

Hello Oscar,

The pins you would need are:

  1. SCL (AC4): serial clock
  2. SDA (AC5): serial data
  3. ALT (AB5): alert, pull up resistor from alt to 3.3V
  4. ADDR (B4, B5, C4, C5): address, connect all 4 together, connect resistor from pins to GND to set address, for parallel operation all modules need same address
  5. CTRL (A6): turns regulator on and off, do not float, connect CTRL of slaves and master phases together
  6. TAKE (E9): receives trigger signal from pass or run, pull take pin of master to 3.3V, connect PASS and TAKE for single, see 47 for multi
  7. PASS (AC9): Passes trigger to take pin, connect pass and take for single, see 47 for multi
  8. RUN (E10): Trigger signal for slaves, Float for single, See 47 for multi

Thank you,
Vinh Tran

And don’t forget the supply pins!

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