I downloaded MPSmart, upgraded from 9.10g to 9.10v, and the examples work fine.
When running the MP2759 file, It will not simulate and I get the following error:
Error Message:
input file C:/Users/jking/Downloads/MPSmart_MP2759_V1.0.1.0/SIMPLIS_Data/MP2759_Schematic.deck, line 47:
X$U1 17 24 23 31 14 34 27 32 29 0 16 28 19 33 15 0 MP2759
Unable to locate the definition
of ‘subcircuit MP2759’ in the
input, include, or library file(s).
<<<<<<<< Error Message ID: 1023 >>>>>>>>
input file C:/Users/jking/Downloads/MPSmart_MP2759_V1.0.1.0/SIMPLIS_Data/MP2759_Schematic.deck, line 48:
X$U2 26 30 BATTERY
Unable to locate the definition
of ‘subcircuit BATTERY’ in the
input, include, or library file(s).
On MPSmart, Version : 9.10v