MPM3695-10 PMBus

Do you need to use the PMBus for operation with the MPM3695 part? Or can it be used without it for normal operation?

We are looking at it as a backup to the MPM3638-7 if it does not work in our application. Also, when will the MPM3638-10 be available, as this could be a viable backup for the MPM3638-7.

Phil Attardi

Hi Phil,

The MPM3695 can be used without the PMBus, however, there is a default that it will be set to. To configure or monitor certain parameters, the PMBus will need to be used.
Regarding the other part, do you happen to be talking about the MPM3683?

Best Regards,

Hi Yu,

Yes, I meant the MPM3683-7 and MPM3683-10 parts.

On the MPM3695, do you have terminate both I2C PMBus lines High or low when you are not using them?

Hi Phil,

The MPM3683-10 has not updated on the website yet, but the status is released.
If the PMbus for the MPM3695-10 is not being used, those pins can be left floating. Be sure to check the datasheet for more information.

Best Regards,

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