I’m studying this MP8030 to design a POE+ circuit which capable of delivering 30W. From the datasheet, it suggests that I could use the hot-swap internal MOSFET, but from all the examples and schematics, it shows the gate pin being connected to an external MOSFET as their application is higher than 51W.
How do I connect the internal hot-swap MOSFET to DC/DC power input? I’m designing a Flyback PSR converter circuit that delivers 5V and 6A.
I appreciate your help in the matter above.
Many thanks
Hi wissam.ahmad,
The internal hot-swap is integrated into the IC. If you need to use an external hotswap, then please follow the examples.
Please see the section titled “Hot-Swap MOSFET and Current Limit” for more information. https://www.monolithicpower.com/en/documentview/productdocument/index/version/2/document_type/Datasheet/lang/en/sku/MP8030GQJ/document_id/9848/
Vinh Tran
Thank you Vinh for your reply. I’ve read that section and I’m still unclear on which pin should be connected to the DC/DC Power input. Should I use the pin “SRC” instead of “Gate” as attached in the schematic below? Or connect Gate pin straight without the external MOSFET?
Many Thanks