MP8017GL: EP7 transformer from datasheet TWPEP090711B327T

Dear supporter,

the datasheet MP8017GL.pdf has on page 26 some Typical application circuits.

The example:

Figure 7: Typical Application Circuit for Active-Clamp PSR Flyback (VDD = 37V to 57V, VOUT = 5V at 12W)

There is the following transformers in the schematic:


I can not find a datasheet / vendor of this transformer.

Can you give me a link to the vendor to get a datasheet?

With that I would like to find a matching part for my 5V project.

Thanks Marko

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Hi @purchase,

The TWPEP090711B327T has a turns ratio 4.8:1 (Np:Ns) and L = 55uH.

For datasheet request, please fill out the MPS NOW Technical Support form. A member from the MPS NOW team will contact you within 24–36 hours about this request.

Link to MPS NOW Technical Support form: MPS NOW Technical Support - Contact

For the 5V application, use following equation to estimate your duty cycle.

It is advised to choose a transformer with primary side inductance to make the current ripple ratio factor to be around ~30-50% which can be estimated using the following equation:

Note: The transformer should have a high saturation current to support the switching peak current else the inductance may decrease sharply.

I hope this helps.

Thank you.