I’m using the MP8017 together with CoilCraft AC1584 to create a 8.5V, 1A output (I realize the transformer is designed is for 5V output). Please see attached for the schematic.
I’m seeing that the switching waveform has a small notch before turn on, which coincides w/ the SR turning off. Is this expected, or is there an interaction between the MP8017 and the SR controller (UCC24612). I see this notch even if I disable the SR controller and let the SR FET act as a diode. Is this notch when the converter would normally start to go discontinuous and enter resonance? Is there any way to ensure that the converter is achieving ZVS (the efficiency @ 1A is around 88%, not counting Iq from the PSE controller, PD controller, or output LED).
Additionally, I do not see the snubber switching. The voltage at VSNUB is ~94V and VBUS is 48V. According to the datasheet, the snubber only kicks in when VSNUB-VBUS<1.5V, but how can I achieve this? Do I need a discharge resistor across Csnub? Wouldn’t that lead to lowered efficiency?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated,
Switching waveforms: