Mp8017 design not working

I made a design for a power over ethernet power supply but it is not working.

the power over ethernet switch supplies 57V to the chip, so that part is working. but the chip is getting really hot. the output of this power supply must be 24v

see the images for the schematic!

this is the datasheet of the transformer

I did get an email from Tom Hudson. But I am not able to answer it. I get a deliver error.

Hello Tom,

it seems you are not receiving my emails. Could we communicate further on this form?

It is getting really hot but it starts not with switching. So on the secondary side there is no voltage.


Hi Hans,

There’s some kind of problem that we don’t receive your replies so we’ll communicate through this channel.
About your last message, chip starts working but when it gets too hot it stops switching right? What are the conditions you’re working with (Vin, Vout, Iout, Ipeak,Temp)? These conditions are the same all the time? Could you send screenshots of Vin, Vout, Iout, SW?

By the way, what are temperatures the chip is getting?

Best regards,
Jordi Pacheco