MP6602 No Power to Motor while No Fault Condition

I built an MP6602 circuit. I used the SPI interface to initialize it. I wrote 1 to FaultReg VCCUV to bring out of reset. I initialized it as "Off Time and Blanking Time Set-Up Procedure (AN-189 page 10) directed. I sent step commands through CtrlReg (bit clears before writing the next STEP). The TSTP step counter advanced, No Faults were produced in the Fault register. When only looking at the registers it appears to be working correctly, but no power appears on any xOUTn ports. (Back EMF shows 0.333V with BEG] [No excess power being used by the board during motor driving], [Vcc is +5V] [Vin is +12V] [All connections have been verified].


Apologies for the late reply on this issue. This topic will be a point of discussion with my colleagues and me. It is highly unusual to have no power to your motor without seeing a fault condition…

While I am asking, what kind of motor do you have connected? This will help with the debugging process.

We will get back to you with updates on this subject very soon to be updated in this thread with possible debugging steps. Just wanted to acknowledge.


I have a 17HE15-1504S Stepper motor. I include the PCB here too.

I had some issues with the code on the Pic Processor and I would like to post that information for the sake of someone else who might want more background on a design close to this one.
Here is the link:

The software I used was used to operate another and simpler motor, but not a stepper. I added the Stepper Motor Code to it, most of it with MP6022 names for the routines. I include the main.c file here simply so you can see what I am attempting or how I am testing the MP6022. The important part is setup and operation of the MP6022. I did not write this code for you to look at, so ask me if you have questions about what part I think it doing what with; it is probably difficult to follow without some study. I think writing a “1” to the Ctrl.step bit should make the motor advance.

At the first occurrence of “for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {” is where I have the motor setup as in the application node and am sending STEP commands - expecting the motor to operate.

Here is main.c


  • File: main.c
  • Author: tmiller


#include <xc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#include “user.h”
#include “system.h”
#include “MP6602.h”

volatile unsigned int pulseCount;
volatile unsigned int Timer0Int;

char lastStep;

unsigned int nFault = 0;

extern unsigned int SPIRead, ReadSDI;

unsigned int MP6602RegisterValues[8];

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

static unsigned char Answer1, Answer2;

unsigned long int i;
int avgIntPerRev;           // Calibrated value of interrupts in Capacitance range.
int totalintLimit;
double tuning;
double oldtuning;
int numberOfSteps;
int oldNumberOfSteps;
unsigned char direction;
unsigned int oldPulseCount;
unsigned int stepCount;
unsigned int savPulseCount;
unsigned int firstPulseCount = 0;
char buf[10], sbuf[5];

unsigned int OffTimeChanged = 0;
unsigned int StepModeChanged = 0;
unsigned int EnableChanged = 0;
unsigned int BlankingTimeChanged = 0;
unsigned int SteppingCurrentLimitChanged = 0;
unsigned int StepIndexChanged = 0;
unsigned int Faultschanged = 0;
unsigned int STEPChanged = 0;

PMD0bits.NVMMD = 1;  // Disable NVM Module
PMD1bits.NCOMD = 1; // Disable NCO
PMD1bits.TMR6MD = 1;  // Disable TMR6
PMD1bits.TMR5MD = 1;  // Disable TMR5
PMD1bits.TMR4MD = 1;  // Disable TMR4
PMD1bits.TMR3MD = 1;   // Disable TMR3
PMD2bits.DACMD = 1;     // Disable DAC
PMD3bits.CWG1MD = 1;    // Disable CWG
PMD3bits.CWG2MD = 1;    // Disable CWG
PMD3bits.PWM6MD = 1;    // Disable PWM
PMD3bits.CCP4MD = 1;    // Disable Capture and Compare
PMD3bits.CCP3MD = 1;
PMD3bits.CCP2MD = 1;
PMD3bits.CCP1MD = 1;
PMD4bits.UART1MD = 1;   // Disable UART1
PMD4bits.MSSP2MD = 1;   // Disable MSSP
PMD5bits.CLC1MD = 1;    // Disable Configure Logic Cell
PMD5bits.CLC2MD = 1;    // Disable CLC2
PMD5bits.CLC3MD = 1;    // Disable CLC3
PMD5bits.CLC4MD = 1;    // Disable CLC4
PMD5bits.DSMMD = 1;     // Disable DSM

// MP6602 FAULT Pin Configuration
// The nFAULT pin reports fault conditions and
// is driven low when a fault condition occurs.
// If the fault condition is released, the nFAULT
// pin is pulled high by an external pull up resistor.
// So long as the pin is high there is no fault condition 1=NoFault
// It reflects the bit setting in the FAULT register
LATCbits.LATC5 = 0;         // Clear the Latch of the FAULT pin
ANSELCbits.ANSC5 = 0;       // Digital port
ODCONCbits.ODCC5 = 1;       // Open Drain (Sink Current Only) Disabled
TRISCbits.TRISC5  = 1;      // Fault pin of MP6022
WPUCbits.WPUC5 = 1;         // The MP6602 nFault Pin is pulled high by this resistor 

// Port Control

// 18345 Output LED
ANSELAbits.ANSA5 = 0;   // Digital pin
INLVLAbits.INLVLA5 = 0; // TTL Input Level for Input / Its an Output Pin
LATAbits.LATA5 = 0;     // Nothing out yet
ODCONAbits.ODCA5 = 0;   // Open Drain on (Sink Current Only) OFF/ its output
SLRCONAbits.SLRA5 = 1;  // Slew Rate Control on - to make it easier on the processor
TRISAbits.TRISA5 = 0;   // Port is Output
WPUAbits.WPUA5 = 0;     // Weak Pull Up Resistor not used.
LATAbits.LATA5 = 1;

// Enable Pin MP6602
ANSELCbits.ANSC1= 0;    // Digital Pin
INLVLCbits.INLVLC1 =0;  //TTL Input -its an output
ODCONCbits.ODCC1 = 1;   // Not Open Drain (Sinks and Sources current)
SLRCONCbits.SLRC1 = 1;  // Slew Rate Control On
TRISCbits.TRISC1 = 0;   // Output to enable/disable (Pin,not register)
WPUCbits.WPUC1 = 0;     // No pull up (i is internal pull down)
LATCbits.LATC1 = 0;     // MP6602 Not Enabled through this pin

// Step Pin MP6602
ANSELCbits.ANSC2 = 0;    // Digital Pin
INLVLCbits.INLVLC2 =0;  //TTL Input -its an output
ODCONCbits.ODCC2 = 1;   // Not Open Drain (Sinks and Sources current)
SLRCONCbits.SLRC2 = 1;  // Slew Rate Control On
TRISCbits.TRISC2 = 0;   // Output to STEP (Pin,not register)
WPUCbits.WPUC2 = 0;     // No pull up (i is internal pull down)
LATCbits.LATC2 = 0;     // MP6602 Not Enabled through this pin    

// DIR (direction) Pin MP6602
ANSELCbits.ANSC4= 0;    // Digital Pin
INLVLCbits.INLVLC4 =0;  //TTL Input -its an output
ODCONCbits.ODCC4 = 1;   // Not Open Drain (Sinks and Sources current)
SLRCONCbits.SLRC4 = 1;  // Slew Rate Control On
TRISCbits.TRISC4 = 0;   // Output to DIR (Pin,not register)
WPUCbits.WPUC4 = 0;     // No pull up (i is internal pull down)
LATCbits.LATC4 = 0;     // MP6602 Not Enabled through this pin    


INTCONbits.GIE = 1;     // Enable all interrupts that are enabled.
INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;
CLKRCONbits.CLKREN = 0;     // Reference clock disabled.

#ifdef USE_IOC

PIE1 = 1;    // Enable timer 2 interrupt
INTCONbits.GIE = 1;     // Enable all interrupts that are enabled.
INTCONbits.INTE = 0;

// Stepper Motor Setup

RB6PPS = 0b11000;   // RC6 port at pin 11 is assigned as SCK1
SSP1CLKPPS = 0b01110;   // SCLK1 is at RB6
RB5PPS = 0b11001;    // RB5 port at pin 12 is assigned as SDO1
SSP1DATPPS = 0b1100;   // Peripheral SSP1SDI is at RB4
SSP1SSPPS = 0b10110;    // SS1 is at RC6 pin 8

LATBbits.LATB4 = LATBbits.LATB5 = LATBbits.LATB6 = LATCbits.LATC6 = 0;
ANSELBbits.ANSB4 = ANSELBbits.ANSB5 = ANSELBbits.ANSB6 = ANSELCbits.ANSC6 = 0;  // Digital pins
WPUBbits.WPUB4 = WPUBbits.WPUB5 = WPUBbits.WPUB6 = WPUCbits.WPUC6 = 1;     // Weak Pull ups
ODCONBbits.ODCB4 = 1;   // Open drain (sink current only)
SLRCONBbits.SLRB4 = 1;  // Slew Rate enabled (slows it down)
INLVLBbits.INLVLB4 = 1; // ST input (lower voltage for high)
TRISBbits.TRISB4 = 1;   // SDI (TRIS=1) RB4/13
TRISBbits.TRISB5 = 0;   // SDO (TRIS=0) RB5/12
TRISBbits.TRISB6 = 0;   // SCLK (TRIS=0) RB6/11
TRISCbits.TRISC6 = 0;   // ~SS (TRIS=1) RC6/8

// SP1BRG = 0x13; // 400kHz
// SPI Interrupts
PIR1bits.SSP1IF = 0; // Clear Read/Write Status interrupt Flag
PIR1bits.BCL1IF = 0; // Clear Bit Collision on SPI1 interrupt Flag
PIE1bits.SSP1IE = 1; // Read or write complete on SPI1
PIE1bits.BCL1IE = 1; // Bit Collision on SPI1

// PMD4bits.MSSP1MD = 0; // Enable MSSP module to set ports

SSP1ADD = 0x13;     // 400kHz    
SSP1CON1bits.SSPM = 0b1010;      // SPI Master Mode, clock = FOSC/4 = 32MHz/64 = 500kHz
SSP1CON1bits.CKP = 1;  // Clock idle (Clock Polarity) state is high so MP6620 Data shifts on the rising edge of SCLK
SSP1STATbits.CKE = 0;  // Transmit occurs on transition from active to idle clock state.
SSP1STATbits.SMP = 0;   // Input data sampled at end of data output time.

SSP1CON1bits.SSPEN = 1;  // ENable SPI

LATCbits.LATC7 = 0;
LATCbits.LATC1 = 0;
LATBbits.LATB7 = 0;
LATCbits.LATC2 = 0;
LATCbits.LATC4 = 0;
ANSELCbits.ANSC7 = 0;       // Reset Pin digital
ANSELCbits.ANSC1 = 0;       // Enable Pin digital
ANSELBbits.ANSB7 = 0;       // Sleep Pin digital 
ANSELCbits.ANSC2 = 0;       // STEP Pin digital
ANSELCbits.ANSC4 = 0;       // DIR Pin digital
TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 0;       // Reset Pin output
TRISCbits.TRISC1 = 0;       // Enable Pin output
TRISBbits.TRISB7 = 0;       // Sleep Pin Output
TRISCbits.TRISC2 = 0;       // STEP pin Output
TRISCbits.TRISC4 = 0;       // DIR Pin Output

// Leave enable pin dis-enabled (C1)   
// Leave out of sleep (B7)
// Leave STEP not stepping (C2)
// Leave DIR the same (low/C4)

// Reset MP6602 - drive pin 7 reset  low           
WPUCbits.WPUC7 = 1;     // Enable weak pull up on Reset Pin
LATCbits.LATC7 = 1;     // Pull up Reset to end RESET (C7)
LATBbits.LATB7 = 0;     // Sleep mode inactive
LATCbits.LATC1 = 0;     // Enable through register, not pin

static unsigned int CtrlValue;
static unsigned int RegisterValue;

// First one does not work well.
CtrlValue = ReadMP6602(0x00);

FAULTRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0E);       // Read the Fault register because VCCUV is holding the device in RESET mode
FillFAULTRegStruct(FAULTRegValue);      // Fill in the structure
FAULTReg.VCCUV = 1;                     // Write a 1 to VCCUV to clear Reset mode
FAULTRegValue = MakeFAULTRegDataInteger();  // Make the integer to write to the FAULT register
WriteMP6602(0x0E,FAULTRegValue);        // Write to the FAULT Register
FAULTRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0E);       // Read it back to verify

// Read All The Initial Register Values
CtrlRegValue = MP6602RegisterValues[0] = ReadMP6602(0x00);    
Ctrl2RegValue = MP6602RegisterValues[1] = ReadMP6602(0x02);
ISETRegValue = MP6602RegisterValues[2] = ReadMP6602(0x04);
StallRegValue = MP6602RegisterValues[3] = ReadMP6602(0x06);
BEMFRegValue = MP6602RegisterValues[4] = ReadMP6602(0x08);
TSTPRegValue = MP6602RegisterValues[5] = ReadMP6602(0x0A);
OCPRegValue = MP6602RegisterValues[6] = ReadMP6602(0x0C);
FAULTRegValue = MP6602RegisterValues[7] = ReadMP6602(0x0E);

// Read Control Register 1 and fill in the CtrlReg Structure
// It includes the hold time, the off time, the step mode/increment,
// the direction, step, and enable commands.

ISETRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x04); // Read the ISET Register
FillISETRegStruct(ISETRegValue); // Fill in the stored Structure copy
ISETReg.PeakCurrentStepping.IS = 0x0b; // Set Step Current at 1.5 Amperes
ISETRegValue = MakeISETRegDataInteger(); // Make the new Data Value word.
WriteMP6602(0x04,ISETRegValue); // Configure the MP6602
ISETRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x04); // Read the ISET Register to confirm

CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00); // Read Ctrl Register to change off time
FillCtrlRegStruct(CtrlRegValue); // Fill in processor memory copy
CtrlReg.OffTime.OT = 0b111; // Modify (fixed) Off Time (between steps)
CtrlRegValue = MakeCtrlRegDataInteger(); // Make the register transmit value
WriteMP6602(0x00,CtrlRegValue); // Write to the Motor Controller (MP6602)
CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00); // Read back Ctrl to confirm

Ctrl2RegValue = ReadMP6602(0x02); // Read Ctrl2 Register to change blanking time
Ctrl2Reg.BlankingTime.BT = 0b111;
Ctrl2RegValue = MakeCtrl2RegDataInteger();
Ctrl2RegValue = ReadMP6602(0x02); // Read Back Ctrl2 to verify

CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00); // Read Ctrl Register to change Step Mode
CtrlReg.StepModeTime.MS = 0b101;
CtrlRegValue = MakeCtrlRegDataInteger();
CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00); // Read Ctrl Register to verify

TSTPRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0A); // Read TSTP Register to start step counter at 0
TSTPReg.StepIndex.STP = 0;
TSTPRegValue = MakeTSTPRegDataInteger();
TSTPRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0A); // Read TSTP Register to verify

CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00); // Read Ctrl Register to set enable bit
CtrlReg.EN = 1;
CtrlRegValue = MakeCtrlRegDataInteger();

CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00); // Read Ctrl Register to set enable bit
CtrlReg.STEP = 1;
CtrlRegValue = MakeCtrlRegDataInteger();

unsigned int changed = checkRegisterValues(CtrlRegValue,Ctrl2RegValue,ISETRegValue,StallRegValue,BEMFRegValue,TSTPRegValue,OCPRegValue,FAULTRegValue);
if(changed & 0b10000000)
if (!((CtrlRegValue&0b000000000010) & 0b000000000010))
NOP(); // Step Changed
if(changed & 0b00010000)
NOP(); // Stall changed
if(changed & 0b00001000)
NOP(); // BEMF changed

for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00); // Read Ctrl Register to set enable bit
TSTPRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0A);
CtrlReg.STEP = 1;
CtrlRegValue = MakeCtrlRegDataInteger();
TSTPRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0A); // Read TSTP Register to start step counter at 0

   TSTPRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0A);

for (int i = 0; i< 200; i++) {

   TSTPReg.StepIndex.STP = 0;
   TSTPRegValue = MakeCtrlRegDataInteger();
   TSTPReg.StepIndex.STP = 0x20;
   TSTPRegValue = MakeCtrlRegDataInteger();       


changed = checkRegisterValues(CtrlRegValue,Ctrl2RegValue,ISETRegValue,StallRegValue,BEMFRegValue,TSTPRegValue,OCPRegValue,FAULTRegValue);
if(changed & 0b10000000)
if (!((CtrlRegValue&0b000000000010) & 0b000000000010))
NOP(); // Step Changed
if(changed & 0b00010000)
NOP(); // Stall changed
if(changed & 0b00001000)
NOP(); // BEMF changed

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
PORTCbits.RC2 = 1; // Step

// Change the stored copy

// while(1) {
// Alter the memory copy of the first Control register to step
// CtrlReg.STEP = 1;
// Make the data integer to write to the MP6602
// CtrlRegValue = MakeCtrlRegDataInteger(); // Fill in the bitwise Ctrl Register Value
// Write the new contents with the step bit set (should step the motor)
// CtrlValue = WriteMP6602(0x00,CtrlRegValue); // Write the new value
// Read ALL the Registers and fill in the associcated structures.

while(!(OffTimeChanged || StepModeChanged || EnableChanged ||
BlankingTimeChanged || SteppingCurrentLimitChanged ||
StepIndexChanged || Faultschanged)) {
CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00);
if(CtrlReg.OffTime.OT != 0b111)
OffTimeChanged = 1;
if(CtrlReg.StepModeTime.MS != 5)
StepModeChanged = 1;
if(CtrlReg.EN != 1)
EnableChanged = 1;

    Ctrl2RegValue = ReadMP6602(0x02);
    if(Ctrl2Reg.BlankingTime.BT != 0b111)
        BlankingTimeChanged = 1;

    ISETRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x04);
    if(ISETReg.PeakCurrentStepping.IS != 0x0B)
        SteppingCurrentLimitChanged = 1;
    StallRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x06);
    BEMFRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x08);
    TSTPRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0A);
    if(TSTPReg.StepIndex.STP != 0)
        StepIndexChanged = 1;
    OCPRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0C);
    FAULTRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0E);
    if(FAULTRegValue != 0)
        Faultschanged = 1;

// // Record the change to the 1st Control Structure (so I can see what changed)
// FillCtrlRegStruct(CtrlRegValue);
// // Read the Step Table register to see if it increments
// TSTPRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0A); // Read the Step Register
// // Record the state of the step table to the memory structure
// FillTSTPRegStruct(TSTPRegValue); // fill in the most recent data.
// }

CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00);    // Read the new value from the MP6602

CtrlRegValue = MakeCtrlRegDataInteger();
while(1) {

// CtrlValue = WriteMP6602(0x0,CtrlValue);

// CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00);
CtrlValue = WriteMP6602(0x0,CtrlRegValue);
CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00);
CtrlValue = WriteMP6602(0x0,CtrlRegValue);
CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00);
CtrlValue = WriteMP6602(0x0,CtrlRegValue);
// ISETReg.ISETRegValue = ReadMP6022(0x40);
// StallReg.StallRegValue = ReadMP6022(0x60);
// BEMFReg.BEMFRegValue = ReadMP6022(0x80);
// TSTPReg.TSTPRegValue = ReadMP6022(0xA0);
// OCPReg.OCPRegValue = ReadMP6022(0xC0);
// FAULTReg.FAULTRegValue = ReadMP6022(0xE0);

SPIRead = 0;  // Do not read on interrupt
LATCbits.LATC6 = 1;  // Slave not selected 

RegisterValue = ReadMP6602(0x0);
RegisterValue = RegisterValue ^ 0x038;      // Exclusive or will zero all these bits out
RegisterValue = RegisterValue | 0x028;      // Set the step size in 3 bits (1/32)
RegisterValue = WriteMP6602(0x0, RegisterValue);    // 1/32 step size
RegisterValue = WriteMP6602(0x0,0x100);    // Off Time (default 40us)
RegisterValue = WriteMP6602(0x2,0x004);     // Blanking time (default 2us)
RegisterValue = WriteMP6602(0x4,0x280);     //  Hold Mode steeping 1.5A
RegisterValue = WriteMP6602(0x0,0x200);     // Time until Automatic Hold Time stops (15.6ms)

There is definitely a lot to consider here.

Given that you are using the 17HE15-1504S Stepper Motor (1.5A per phase)

I wanted to narrow down the debugging process by isolating the possibility of this being a firmware issue. Our initial recommendation is to use the following Communication Interface Device for USB Motor Driver Interface (EVKT-MOTOR-00A that is compatible with the MP6602) and possibly getting a EV6602-V-01A connected to the GUI just to evaluate and see if power can be outputted to the motor (the eval board is optional for this debug step, but may provide a solid working reference to deviate from).

Here are some things you can also try in conjunction with using the USB Motor Driver Interface Dongle, Evaluation Board, and GUI for ruling out a firmware issue:

  • From what it sounds like, the issue may also be that the timing or sequencing in driving the motor is an issue. Firstly, you would need to ensure that the 17HE15-1504S motor is drawing enough current.
  • The presence of back EMF 0.333V does suggest that there is some holding torque, but there may not be a sufficient driving current or voltage. Try checking the current limiting resistors on the MP6602 just to see if the current isn’t being limited too much.
  • I know that you mentioned that all connections are checked and verified, but swapped motor phase connections would also be worthwhile to double check.

After looking over the code that you have sent:

  • Be sure the enable pin (LACT1) is set to LACT = 1 before issuing any step commands. If the driver is disabled, then no power will reach the output pins.
  • For each step, the step pin (LACT2) should be toggled on (LACT2 = 1) and off (LACT2 = 0) for each full step. While mentioning this, ensure there is a sufficient delay between transitions between high to low for each step command. Stepping too quickly without delays may not give your motor time to respond.

There are multiple debugging paths to take between hardware and software. Hopefully these suggestions help you through this process.



Thank you for your very nice reply. In reading it I have one question, and the other suggestions I will work on.

My one question is: In my reading of the manual or datasheet, I believed the Ctrl.EN register bit and the EN pin were XOR’d together to determine the enabled state. My code above uses only then Ctrl.EN bit to enable the MP6022. Your reply suggests I use both the Ctrl.EN bit and the EN pin. I tried using the EN pin and the STEP pin exclusively and got the same result as I am reporting (no current or voltage to motor).

Another interesting point was giving the STEP bit time between setting it and unsetting it. Happily, I set the bit and it clears itself; I can check if the bit cleared itself before I write to the STEP bit again to prevent trying to step the motor too fast.

I believe the communications are operating as expected. Whenever I write to a register and then read it back the number I read back is the same as expected. Some bits are reserved and I do not know what they represent; they might change. Bits turn on and off as expected. One of the confusing things that caused me to need to read the datasheet carefully was to write to the VCC bit to clear it after reset.

I shall try the EN pin and register bit combination. There is no current limiting resistor in my design; that is one of the things I liked about the MP6022 - it sets its own current internally through the ISET.IS[0-5] register setting.

Thank you very much for how carefully and thoroughly you answered my questions. I know it impossible to remotely fix my board from there and there are many things that could be wrong, but I am really trying to express my gratitude for how seriously and carefully you answered. Thank you once again. Good Day.

Hello, I have another question. I am following this code in Debug and I have the EN pin high and the CtrlReg.EN bit high.

for(int k = 0; k < 200; k++) {
WriteMP6602(0x00,CtrlRegValue); // Write the CtrlReg value to the Ctrl Register (Step is set)
CtrlRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x00); // Read Ctrl Register
FillCtrlRegStruct(CtrlRegValue); // Fill in the CtrlReg Structure
CtrlReg.STEP = 1; // Set the STEP bit in the CtrlReg Structure
CtrlRegValue = MakeCtrlRegDataInteger(); // Make the 12 bit value to write to the CtrlReg
TSTPRegValue = ReadMP6602(0x0A); // Read STEP Register
FillCtrlRegStruct(TSTPRegValue); // Fill in the STEP Register Structure to observe the Step position or index in the debugger
I saw the Step index in the TSTP register does not change (TSTP.STP[0-6]). So I turned off the enable pin and using only the CTRL.EN bit I found the Step index in the TSTP register does change.
The STEP bit (CTRL.STEP[0]) is clear when I read back the CTRL Register (as expected).

If it was not enabled the TSTP.STP[0-6] register value would not decrement as it does, so the device is enabled.

Here are the Register values immediately before __delay_ms(1000);

MP6602RegisterValue[0] is CTRL and its contents are 0b00000001 11101001, MP6602RegisterValue[1] is CTRL2 and its contents are 0b00000000 00110111,
and so on.

It still does not supply any power to the motor. I would like to inform you that the first MP6022 semiconductor I had did the exact same thing as this one and so I bought another and this is that other semiconductor. Naturally, I was more careful mounting this semiconductor.

Apologies about the delayed response to your issue! Your patience is much appreciated.

After reading through all of what you have described, there are problems with SPI communication with the MP6602. The device seems to be enabled with the TSTP register advancing when using Ctrl.EN. Having no power to the motor even now really is puzzling. I am sure there are updates that you will have upon this response, but here are some things that I would recommend looking into:

  1. Ctrl.En and the EN pin work in tandem. If the external pin is low while Ctrl.EN is set, the device may not output to the motor. Given the behavior that you have described, try setting Ctrl.EN and the EN high as a combined enabled signal.

  2. While debugging, placing a voltmeter at xOUT1 and xOUT2 pins to monitor any small or fluctuating voltages would be useful in the sense that any small changes could show waveforms of incomplete enable or state drive signals. If these voltages are still absolutely 0V, then the MP6602 is not applying any drive signals at all.

  3. Another avenue of debugging lies in togging the Ctrl.EN pin by toggling low and observing any of the xOUT pins if this triggers any activity. Or you may enable the driver purely with Ctrl.EN while keeping the EN pin low. This may help isolate as to whether the EN pin or Ctrl.EN has some sort of gating effect that is preventing power output to your motor. Also in parallel, please conform

  4. If the xOUT pins are energized upon checking, the motor should atleast show signs of holding torque, even without stepping. Try gently turning the motor shaft to feel for any resistance. Also in parallel, please confirm that the motor winding resistance and connections are correct as an open winding may prevent current flow, even if the xOUT pins show they are outputting power.

  5. It is possible after checking all previous possible errors that there may be some issue with the protection logic of the MP6602. Overcurrent and undervoltage conditions may be active while not visibly triggering a fault. Re-check the VCC bit (which was previously cleared after resetting) and confirm that this remains clear after all setup steps.

In summary, I feel that the issue lies in the initialization sequence as opposed to the MP6602 IC itself. Working with the EN and Ctrl.EN, checking the xOUT voltage pins, and confirming motor connections / winding continuity will help further narrow down this debugging process in identifying issues with the enable signal logic or if there are any unwanted / unintended limitations by the internal protection

If these steps don’t yield fruitful steps in debugging, please contact MPS Now Support for more prompt and in depth help with this issue.

Also it would be good to monitor how the following post turns out as Steve comes back with an update:

Blockquote MP6602 Current Protection trips at 100mA - Motor Drivers/Sensors - Monolithic Power Systems’ Technical Forum

Thank you,

It has been months since I last posted here, but I do not see my final post. Maybe it is in another thread.

I was convinced the problem is the physical layout, but after reading your last response I do not know where it is. Something is preventing it from powering the motor, fooling around with the SPI communication is fruitless, I’ve tried every combination. I am completely lost and probably should use another semiconductor.