MP6570 speed slope

In page 22 of MP6570 datasheet, slop is set by spd_step/time_step. We use emotion bench, and exported the data and found the tsetp is always 1, which means only 10us. but row 133, 134 is the time value we set in emotion bench. but MP6570 has no registers corresponding to these time. Which one is the real value for slop control?

Hi Peter,

Apologies for the delay here.
I am looking into this and will get back to you.

Best Regards,

Hi Peter,

Appreciate your patience here.
The names on the excel are not the same as the registers in the datasheet. These are used for internal calculations to calculate the register values and adjust accordingly.

The GUI is intended to be a user-friendly way to adjust parameters. If you adjust the parameters in the GUI, it should properly reflect on the registers.

Best Regards,

Thank you Yu, I saw the generated TXT file which can show the right regitster address and value.
