MP6543HGL-B Current Sensing

We are nearly out of Pins in our Application now we search for ways to reduce the needed input pins and the Question is would it be possible to connect SOA, SOB and SOC together to the same reference resist , so only one ADC input is needed and measure the current sum which should be enough because only one phase has current at all time?

In the Datasheet the Current-Sense Amplifiers is shown with current output so this should be possible or could this lead to problems?


hello d.fink,

The datasheet talks about the outputs here each being proportional to the current per phase. The image here states SOx. X for the A, B, and C phase. From a fundamental sense this will most likely also not be possible due to balanced 3 phase motors having a sum of currents equal to 0.

Please however provide what control method you plan using such as FOC, and maybe we can find another way to accomplish this.

Thank you

I use Trapezoidal Control with the Hal sensor Inputs of the MP6543HGL-B the switching pattern the chip uses as I see it from the data sheet has always one Phase in High-Z one at low and the other is the PWM Input. I would measure the Current at the middle of the PWM On time at that moment only one of the LS Switches is on so no current should flow in the other Low Side Switches.

I spoke with our team about what you are trying to implement, and they did not recommend it.