MP6540 Gate Driver Current sensing R reference value

Hi, i’m using EV6540HA Evaluation board for MP6540HA IC test.

i have a question about reference resistor value for current sensing equation on your datasheet
The equation : V_sout = V_ref + ((I_load x R_term))/9200
(I’m sorry i’m trying to upload images but the “New user can upload embedded media only…” error occured)

On the EV6540HA schematic, for phase current sensing, you have 2 resistors(value is 4.99kohm) for Vref and current sensing circuit gain(i guess).

So, my question is what is the value of R_term(on your datasheet) on your EV6540HA circuit.

what value do i have to use for converting V_sout(Gate driver ADC voltage output) to I_load value.

Hello sos2885,

Iso is proportional to the Load current shown by the following image.

The SOx pins can either sink or source current proportional to this. The ratio of Iload to Iso is shown as Iso = Iload/9200. For the ratiometric output it states to have 2 equal value resistors with one going to the supply of the ADC. Ideally at 0 current the ADC would read the middle value and if Iso sources current it would rise above and increase the voltage and if it sinks current it would fall below this middle point. Our EVB has values of 4.99k for these resistors. I believe you want to choose the resistor values such that the voltage fluctuations do not lead to readings outside the adc’s measurable bounds.