MP6513- Solenoid driving issue

I am using MP6513 driver to drive the solenoid, the solenoid has a 3-5V operating voltage range. solenoid operates fine when directly connected to the variable power supply from 5V to 2.5V. but behaves differently when integrated with the MP6513GJ-Z driver, solenoid operating on 5V to 4.3V only. bellow 4.3V didn’t work as expected firmware wise delivered 1 sec pulse after 3 sec to drive it.

When solenoid directly connected to the power supply observed that takes up to 1A current and driver has a 0.8A driving capacity. Getting confused its working at higher voltage and not working at lower voltage. Lower the voltage will consume low power and more the voltage consume high power. can you please suggest how to drive it???

Hello, welcome to the MPS Forums.

Apologies for the delayed response here. However, to dive right into the issue at hand here, the solenoid requires 1A of current where the MP6513 driver is only limited to 0.8A, so this is an issue in of itself where a higher current driver is needed. I would recommend the following ICs as a replacement:

To explain the non-functionality at voltages below 4.3V given a 3-5V operating range, this would suggest higher currents to drive at lower voltages assuming the power is constant.

Hopefully this provided some insight.
