MP5515 power and capacity test

What is the difference in the use of ADC between power consumption testing and capacitance testing in MP5515?

Hello, Bluesky
They are time-sharing and reusable implemented by ADC block.

If the chip ADC is working for current and voltage, will the ADC be interrupted by captest? Will the cap test wait until the end of the ADC? How does the captest determine that ADC has been completed?

ADC will be occupied by current and voltage ADC process. Then CAPTEST ADC starts till current/voltgae ADC done. It has internal signal to indicate the working status of ADC block and customer could read ADC done bit in corresponding register to hold for other ADC request if the previous ADC is not completed.

Now we met a problem---- the ADC done bit was 0, start ADC bit was 1(keep on and not change anymore), current and voltage data ware 0x00, but we still could do captest. When captest was done, the ADC done bit was 1, start ADC bit was 0.

Could you contact to our FAE for more details~? Thank you!

I’ve contacted FAE in private. It’s being solved.

It has been solved. Thank you!