MP5493 - Evaluation Board

Hi team ,
I am testing MP5493 board with 5v input and 3.85 V Output to charge the super cap at 2.65V . While Supply Off (5V) super cap is not making 3.85 v because i found boost valley threshold is 7.5v so we changed the Vbus resistor divider accordingly to 100k(R5) and 15K(R6) to Vbus voltage 1V with 8V as boost valley threshold .But with input 5v output is not stabilized at 3.8v . My doubt here is how to fix the VBS voltage ?strong text

Hi Pooraneshh.k,

VBS is used to check if the input is good and which mode to operate in. For Vin 5V, your VBS is < 1V, so it is trying to boost. Please change R6 > 26k.

Vinh Tran