MP5416 EVKT-5416 OTP Programming

I have an EVKT-5416 and followed the procedure outlined in the user guide, however the chip is not being programmed succesfully. After powering off the device and powering back up, all values are the same that they shipped with. Are the chips that are shipped with the EVKT actually programmable?

Hi bruce,

MP5416 is pre-set by the one-time programmable (OTP) function. For one-time programmable e-Fuse, it can only be written once in the factory. So, when power cycled, the original values are still there. Customers can’t program themselves. That means you do not have the permission to do a non-volatile memory write on MP5416. But you can use I2C to do a volatile write when you power on MP5416.

Hope it is helpful.


Hi Fox,

Thank you very much for the reply. I recommend that MPS revises the description of the EVKT-5416 on their website. Below is a screen cap of the description which states “The kit allows for quick evaluation of the PMIC and offers One-Time Programming (OTP) capabilities, which allow users to program custom configurations, supporting a wide range of designs.” Then the datasheet doubles down on this with instructions to program the OTP.