MP4559: Absolute Maximum Rating of Enable-Input = 5V?

According to the Datasheet of the MP4559 Rev. 1.01 the Absolute Maximum Rating of the Enable Pin is given with 5V:
All Other Pins…–0.3V to +5V

According to this, the example schematic in Figure 3, that has a 100k/36,5k Resistor Network from V_IN to EN pins of MP4559 will only work safe operating with V_in < 20V. For higher input voltages, the Enable Ping gets voltages higher than 5V.

Can this be correct?

best regards

Hello Martin,

Thank you for pointing this out. This is definitely not correct. I will get this sorted out with the DS team.

If you need to get it work over a larger Vin range, then you can add a zener to clamp the voltage to a lower value. Then resistor divide from there.

Vinh Tran