MP4247 implements low-side current measurrment, meaning input GND and output GND of DCDC arent on the same potential. This means we cannot combine input and output GND. In our case, we have to have GNDs connected. Can we move the current measurment on MP4247 to the high-side, meaning GNDs become on the same potential? If not, do you offer any other buck-boost DCDC with 24V I2C adjustable output and high-side current measurment.
Thank you!
What is the application that requires the input and output to be on the same potential? The GND’s will be on the same potential if designing on the PCB. The connection between grounds can be made via a small width trace. Can you clarify what you mean by different potentials?
If you were to move the current sense to the high side, the IC will operate outside of its design parameters and result in expected behavior.
Can you provide the input, output, and load specifications for the Buck-Boost, I am happy to look for additional parts that can fit your application.
You cannot connect grounds with trace, if you do that no current will flow through shount resistor. I already found MP4248, which is high-side and input and ouptut GND are connected.