MP2955+MP86905x3: Current Balance

Thank you for your help in advance.

My system uses one MP2955 and three MP86905s for CPU (i5-6500TE / TDP 35W) power.
Sometimes system loses its power.
I have found that VCCP_FAULT# was asserted from one of MP86905s to MP2955, as a result MP2955 cut off all power.

I would like to find its cause and solve this problem.

Now I have four questions.
If you have any ideas, could you share it with me.

Q1. MP2955 can monitor current of MP86905 by CS (current sense) pins.
(Our system uses CS1-CS3).
I have found that currents on three MP86905s are not balanced.
For example, CS1 is about 1 (0.5A) but CS3 is about 5 (2.5A).
Does it show our board have some trouble? (Does MP2955 essentially can balance current of each MP86905s?)
If so, I would like to know guaranteed difference between CS1-CS3.

Q2.If you have any ideas to balance current of each MP86905s, please let me know.
(For example, change register of MP2955 or modify circuit, layout…)

Q3.Could current unbalance lead to VCCP_FAULT# assertion or MP86905 fault?

Q4.If one of three MP86905s is broken, could it lead to VCCP_FAULT# assertion or MP86905 fault?

Hello satoshi.takata,

Please reach out MPS NOW Remote Support. We will be able to support your application there.

Thank you,
Vinh Tran