MP2760 ACGATE Control

From the datasheet ACGATE can be forced ON via register 0x10 bit 14.
And also its driver can be disabled via register 0x10 bit 6.
By disabling the driver is ACGATE in the off position or is it floating?
Is there a way to force ACGATE off?

Hello, welcome to the MPS forums!

The MP2760 has a register called ACGATE_EN = 0 that can disable the drivers and ACGATE_CTRL = 0 for not forcing the gate on. These ACGATE pin functionalities as seen on page 46 of the datasheet. The function of the ACGATE pin is to drive an external passthrough NMOS, so I can only assume you are using the MP2760 for a lower power application, correct?

With that being said and even shown in the typical application as supported by the datasheet, this pin may be left floating as you have said assuming you wanted ACGATE functions completely disabled.

Hope this helped!
