MP2759: Charging Current Control

Hello, I succeeded in charging the battery through MP2759.

However, I think the battery charging speed is a little slow, so I’m going to adjust it.

I know that the Icc current is adjusted by changing the resistance value of the ISET pin.

Is this how you control it?
The current resistance value is approximately 47.86 Kohm inserted and set to approximately 2A Icc.

And we selected Icc of 2A, and when you apply input power to a real circuit with a power supply, the current consumed is different.

It comes out around 0.7A to 1A, is this also a correct phenomenon?

The input power is 20 volts.


Apologies for the delayed response.
Yes, you set Icc with resistor at Iset. How are you measuring the charge current?

Best Regards,