MP2731 Software

We are working on an MP2731 battery charger using a solar panel. We have some problems regarding the implementation but charge correctly using an external power supply. My software engineer asked me for the code mentioned in the “Battery Charger with MPPT Reference Design MP2731”.

I have seen another topic, MPTT Reference Design MP2731 Software, where a user also asked for the same code and the answer was contacting to “MPS Now Contact Us”. I did last Monday but I’m still waiting for an answer. Does anyone have the code?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Hi Enric,

The software for MP2731 should be available on the website now.
MP2731 I2C Evaluation GUI (

Best Regards,

My deep apologies Yu,

I mean the code for the mentioned implementation of MPPT using MC96F1206.

Best regards,

Dear MPS, sorry to bother you.
I tried “MPS NOW Technical Support”, contact your salesperson in Barcelona via formulary and also phone (nobody answered). I just wanted to know if the code mentioned in “Battery Charger with MPPT Reference Design MP2731” using MC96F1206 is available. I saw some people asking for it and it’s supposed that you provided it. We just would like to know the registers to configure, when in the algorithm you write Read VIN ADC value, wich one? and similar.
Thank you very much in advance.

Hi Enric,

Apologies for the delay here.
We are actively looking into why you have not received a response to assist you.

Best Regards,

Its a geologic now perhaps.