MP2722 with USBC and without D+/D-

Hi Team,

We are planning to use MP2722 with a USBC charger or USBC Configuration cable connected with a laptop with sufficient sourcing capability. Given that MP2722 supports supplement mode, battery should be able to provide required power if External Laptop cannot provide the same. System requirement is 5V / 15W which is standard USB C specification also.

My queries are as follows:

  1. The D+/D- lines will be connected with MCU and not with MP2722. Please suggest if MP2722 will still work without D+/D- connection? System should be able to use MCU to issue I2C commands to configure MP2722 for 3A SINK, without requiring D+/D- connection to MP2722?
  2. When System is not powered from external power source, MP2722 will power up the system with Battery. In such case, can MP2722 boost the System Output Voltage to 5V or System Output Voltage will follow battery Voltage? If System Output Voltage will follow battery voltage then we need to provision external Boost converter (with pass through) as shown in design.
  3. The system requires DRP capabilities with preferable SINK mode. SOURCE mode will only be active if any USB Mass Storage Drive is connected. The MCU decides when DRP mode should be activated. Please suggest if we need any external Load Switch for same? or it can be done by I2C command to MP2722?
  4. Can MP2722 provide Battery Charging / Discharging Voltage & Current and Battery State of Charge (Fuel Gauge)?

Hi @mayank.gupta,

  1. The D+/D- lines are used for USB type detection. You can use SCL and SDA lines to configure MP2722 via MCU. Kindly refer to this forum post.
  2. Yes, When Vin not present, the Vsys will follow the Vbatt. Yes, a boost will be needed to keep the Vsys at a certain voltage when input is not present. You can boost it up to 3.3V rather than boosting and bucking again, since both of these devices will have their own Iq and will probably drain the battery faster.
  3. You can set the current using Iin_lim, please refer to the Forced Input Current limit on pg 24 of hte DS.
  4. Yes, MP2722 provides Charging and discharging via the BATTFET. Refer to the NVDC section on Pg. 18. MP2722 cannot provide SOC or SOH, however we have fuel gauges which might work for you application.

I hope this helps.
Thank you

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