Hi, I want to charge an external device (eg. Smartphone) using MP2722 in source preferred mode. The battery I am using is a single cell1500mAh or 1800mAh. To make it clear I would also need this to be used in DRP mode so that I can charge my battery.
Will MP2722 be able to provide enough current to charge the external device using this battery specification?
Thanks in advance.
Depending on what your system needs, this part can support charge current up to 5A, discharge current up to 8A, and system current up to 5A.
Best Regards,
Hi Yu,
I have done some testing on EV2722-RH-00A and tried to charge an external device. The configuration is as follows during testing.
Battery Connected: 3.7V 2000mAh
CC_CFG-> 100(Bits value) DRP with Try.SRC
OLIM-> 11(Bits value) 3A
VBOOST-> 111(Bits value) 5.15V
RP_CFG-> 10(Bits value) 330μA, USB Type-C 3A
The rest of the registers were at their default values.
When I connected an iPhone: Phone displayed “Accessory Connected” but the phone was charging properly.
When I connected a Samsung Phone: Phone displayed “Check your charging cable connection” and the phone was also charging very slowly, around 300 to 400mA.
On other phones(Xiamoi, Oppo, etc): It was not showing any warning and was charging around 800-900mA.
My question is what could be the possible reason the phones are not charging properly and showing Accessory connected (on iPhone) status and Check your charging cable connection(on Samsung phone) status? Do I need to set any other register settings that I might be missing?
Thanks in advance.
Ahtisham Khan
Hi Yu,
Did you get a chance to look into this matter?
Ahtisham Khan
Hi Ahtisham,
If this works as expected with something like a battery emulator and the charge current for just the iphone is being limited, this might be due to specific protocols for iphone.
If you would like to discuss in further detail, please submit a ticket to MPS NOW Remote Support - Support.
Best Regards,
Hi, I am facing the exact same problem (tested with ipad air4 (charges with around 3A) and galaxy S24). @m.ahtisham.khan could you solve the problem?
Signals: YE: CC1 (sink side), CY: CC2 (source side), BU: CC1 (source side)), PK: VBUS
Example 1 S24, source only:
Example 2 S24, source only:
I kindly ask for assistance.