MP2672A Cell Balance

Using the MP2672A eval board, I notice the cell balancing of this IC is rather poor. The cells at charging complete were 4.2v and 4.15v. This is with and without the external charge circuit enabled per the instructions. I even cycled the power to the IC to see if it eventually balances them correctly to no avail. To be honest, it seems like the balacing part of this chip is an after-thought, especially given how little information is exposed via I2C.
How do I improve cell balace performance to get it closer to how the TI BQ25887 IC performs - with both cells getting to 4.2v.

According to the datasheet… cell balance is typically 50mV, max 70mV so it’s within spec and unlikely to be improved without an external balance IC. Also the BQ25887 only balances to within 30mV (from datasheet) so maybe you got lucky with the BQ25887 when you tested it.

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