MP2667 not coming out of shipping mode

I’m having problems with some of my devices not coming out of shipping mode.
My devices are woken/charged using a wireless QI charger with a 5V output.

I’m putting the MP2667 into shipping mode by pulling the INT line down for 8 seconds. The device shuts down.
When I put it back on the charger the system wakes up. I pull the INT line down for about 600ms.

This works most of the time, but a portion (30%) of my devices won’t begin charging again.
The System Status Register indicates Power is good, and No PPM and not charging.

Setting the charge register doesn’t work.

When I detect this state, I’ll redo the shipping mode process (pull the int pin for 8 seconds and then again for 600ms and that often but not always cures the situation.

At statup I have noted the INT pin does chatter a little though I don’t see anything unusual in any of the fault registers.

If I pull the device from the charger, I’ll see system briefly loose power and then work normally on battery, charge etc. However if the battery is very low I can’t ever get the system to charge again.

Hello LBWqm,

I appreciate you sharing your procedure. It seems like how you put it into shipping mode and take it out agree with what is in the datasheet. I understand why you are then resetting.

It seems like you are using our GUI. If you could provide screenshots of the GUI and scope captures to share the described behaviors this would be very beneficial. Really interested in the chatter you are speaking about.