MP26123 for Li-Polymer battery

Dear MPS team,

I’m usign your MP26123 to recharge a Li-Po 2S battery.
In your products table it is said to be suitable for both Li-Ion and Li-po batteries,
but my doubt arises after having read its datasheet. It is written that “The MP26123
is a monolithic DC-DC stepdown switching charger for 2- or 3-cell Li-ion battery packs.”
Li-Po batteries compatibility is not specifically mentioned.
Could you please confirm that it is also suitable for Li-Po batteries?

Thank you for your support.
Best regards,

Fausto Gioia

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I’m intrested in the same topic, could you give us an answer?

@vinh.tran @MPSNow_Yu

You have a spec tor the battery you are attempting to charge? I do believe generally that Li-po has the same termination conditions as Li-ion. The safest bet is to compare the battery spec to the part spec.

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Hi Fausto and Simone,

Yes, MP26123 does support Li-Polymer.

Best Regards,