In one of my applications, I amusing MP2659 as the battery charger with the below configuration,
Vin= 19-22V ; VBATT_REG=> VB set to 4.2V, CELL set to 3 => 12.6V(Typ) and ICC = 1A. But during testing its is found that the charger is tripping beyond 30mA load.
Where as the same PCBA is configured for 4 cell and 5Cell, It was working fine and able to load the set Icc of 1A.
What could be the reason for this issue? Pls check and reply
Hi Vishnu,
Sincere apologies on delayed response, Thank you for utilizing the Technical forum regarding your issue.
The circuit seems correct, I did not see any errors with regards to schematic.
Can you elaborate a bit more on your testing conditions?
Kind Regards,