MEZS7-4.5A PD Charger Hex or PSOC project files

I have been waiting a week for a reply on MPS Now.

Andrew Peterson

Aug 28, 2023, 4:38 AM PDT

Name: Andrew Peterson
Company: RFID Timing
Country: Australia
Postal Code: 6163
Part number: MP2731
End Application: Li-Ion charging
Input and Output Voltages: 9V, 20W
Description of Problem: I have copied your reference design for this in our own board. I am not using role swapping as the only aim is to derive 20W charging to our li-ion through the MP2731.
I need access to the .hex or PSOC creator project used on the Cypress CYPD3171-24LQXQ used in the design. Others have asked for this on your forum and it would save many days work trying to re code this chip to do the simple PD charging via the MP2731 that we want. Our schematic is more or less identical to that in the reference design.

Hi Andrew,

Apologies for the delayed response.
I have notified the team handling your region about the ticket you submitted. Please reach out if you do not receive a response in the next coming days.

Best Regards,

Still no response. MPSNow is a joke to be honest. Got far better service from Infineon.

Hi Andrew,

Our sincerest apologies for this. My colleague has reached out to you in response to address your question. Apologies again and thank you for your patience.

Best Regards,