Inquiries regarding MP8017+ MP6951 usage

Can I use MP8017+ MP6951 together?
Are there any precautions?

Switching frequency_500khz

Hello @sw-yun,

Welcome to MPS forums. You can use the MP8017 as flyback and MP6951 as a secondary synchronous rectification driver. It is also important to design/select transformer with the required core material and size, turns ratio to ensure the desired primary and secondary voltages. The secondary side MOSFET is subjected to high peak current, please select the MOSFET which can handle it. Please refer to this article for more information about POE designs.

Thanks for the reply.
I have an additional question.
I understand that it is okay to use a DIODE (40V/1A) in parallel with the FET.
Do you have any recommended diode specifications?

Hello @sw-yun,

Typically, a diode is not used in parallel with the FET. If used, the diode should be capable of withstanding the peak secondary side current.