Inductor selection of MP2480

I am working with MP2480 in my design

VIN = 24V; Vout = 19V; Iout = 40mA (Backlight max current)

Stuck with the inductor selection.

Screenshot 2024-12-20 105518

Using the formula in datasheet.
For calculation, I have taken the switching frequency as Fs = 2MHz; getting the inductor value 0.000198H (0.198mH).

Kindly suggest that the inductor value calculated is fine or provide the inductor value ranges

Using this equation it seems to be correct.

Thanks for your response.

Then it will be fine while using inductor of mH ranges also right.

Hello anjanaan,

You are able to use a larger inductor if you would like. You still have to make sure the selection agrees with what your use case is. The datasheet states “A larger-value inductor will result in smaller switching frequency.”