How to using a slave in MPQ7225 Dev Board?

how to communicate for MPQ7225 Dev Board in ESP32 controller?

The MPQ7225 uses a CAN (Controller Area Network)-based differential interface protocol that is supported by most MCUs. To my knowledge, the ESP32 does not have a native CAN transceiver, but the ESP32 can support CAN communication if an external CAN bus transceiver may be used to connect the MPQ7225 with the ESP32.

Once you choose a CAN transceiver to connect the MPQ7225 with the ESP32, wire them together, install the CAN Bus Library for the ESP32, configure the CAN Bus for the MPQ7225, and test and debug from there to ensure functional communication.


Hi Krishan,
Thanks for reply

  1. I am trying to communicate with the ESP32 using the MCP2515 CAN transceiver, but I am not getting any response.
  2. Also, we have EVQ7225-QJ-00A Trying to USB Expert Module (USB to RS232/RS485/422/CAN) but not getting any response.
  3. Do you have any working Code? Yes, please share the code.

Hello again,

I’m sorry to hear that the CAN transceiver isn’t working for your application. MPS does not have working code for this application.

At this time for the support you may need, I would encourage you to submit a ticket to MPS Now where you can receive more direct support.

MPS NOW Remote Support - Support
