Evkt MP6570 and Evkt MP6543

We bought your EVKT6570 also EVKT6543 kits for BLDC motor control. We are using your Emotion Software. We want to use a microprocessor with MP6570.
We need some help with microprocessors with stm32cube and Arduino software.
Do you have any c,c++ software for bldc motor controlling with mp6570 and mp6543.
We should wait for technical code service for mp6570 and mp6543 modules that how will use for brushless motor control.

Hello hbuyukbayram,

I do not believe we have any C or C++ software for the MP6570 or MP6543. I will double check with our product line, but right now the eMotion GUI you have is the only tool we offer for public use. I will update this post in a few days when I’ve confirmed with our product line.

Please send your company information and application details to mpsnow@monolithicpower.com where we can connect you with our MPS Now FSE/FAE team for further support.