Dear support member.
I’m using to EVM3695-100-BH-00B (2 MPM3695GBH-100)
I chooses Internal voltage divider: VREF / VOUT = 0.4V to 1.344V
Vin =11V Vout=1.3V
I want to measure of out put current with Virtual Bench Pro 4.0,
but this GUI shown over 10A in non load and have big ripple.
It should be shown 0A or a value close to 0A.
This problem appear to another current.
For example.
(1)Load current = 5A , big ripple over 5A
(2)Load current = 10A , big ripple over 10A
(3)Load current = 20A , GUI value is 24A
(4)Load current = 30A , GUI value is 35A
(5)Load current = 60A , GUI value is 75A
(6)Load current = 100A , GUI value is 129A
(7)Load current = 140A , GUI value is 183A
Then ,I change setting
I chooses Internal voltage divider: VREF / VOUT = 1.3V to 5.376V
Vin =11V Vout=3V
GUI aslo shown over 10A in non load and have big ripple.
This problem appear to another current.
For example.
(1)Load current = 5A , big ripple over 15A
(2)Load current = 10A , big ripple over 20A
(3)Load current = 20A , GUI value is 20.75A
(4)Load current = 30A , GUI value is 26A
(5)Load current = 60A , GUI value is 49A
(6)Load current = 100A , GUI value is 90A
Is it possible to calibrate EVM3695-100-BH-00B output current ?