MP2965 AVSBUS supply

Hi expert,
Would like to learn which pin should I connect AVSBUS supply to, I cannot find such a pin.
Doesn’t MP2965 need an individual and external AVSBUS supply? Because as you can see below there’s AVS_VDDIO pin besides AVSBUS.

Hello dickzsh26,

I apologize for the delayed reply. Could you clarify where you getting that pin out? It looks different from the one we have on our datasheet.

Thank you,
Vinh Tran

Hi, vinh
this picture is taken from another company’s multiphase controller supporting AVSBUS.
I have checked PMBUS spec 1.3.1 below, and found it is correct to have individual AVS_VDDIO functions. Also, it is said there’s no need for pull-up resistors.

Based on these information, could I know that why MPS refers to different designs? it seems conflicts with PMBUS spec 1.3.1. That is my concern.